About CLA

About CLA

Capstone Council

Capstone Council is a volunteer organization made up of former campus leaders who were inspired by Jean O’Connor-Snyder, sponsor of the Crimson Girls and Capstone Men (now known as Capstone Men and Women) throughout the 1970s. Capstone Council created the Capstone Leadership Academy to honor Jean O’Connor-Snyder’s legacy of mentoring and inspiring countless student leaders during her career at UA.  

Members of the Capstone Council are actively involved with CLA. Capstone Council volunteers review applications, help plan activities, and engage with participants throughout the CLA sessions.

About Capstone Leadership Academy

  • Community. From the moment participants check in, they become part of a community designed to cultivate ethical leaders. CLA participants will learn together on the campus of The University of Alabama, giving them opportunities to collaborate as peers and engage with UA leaders and Capstone Council members.   
  • Programming. UA and Capstone Council leaders will provide instruction and serve as mentors for participants. Additionally, dynamic speakers will inspire students to be effective and ethical leaders for their schools and communities.
  • Practice. CLA participants will engage in activities designed to put into practice the skills they learn, further solidifying the lessons at the center of the CLA curriculum. (Please note that CLA programming is not offered for credit and cannot be applied toward undergraduate curricular requirements.) 
  • Access. CLA is free to attend, with housing, meals, and activities provided. Because each element of the CLA experience is carefully planned with student learning outcomes in mind, attendance for the entirety of the program is required.  

Program Overview

  • Opening Session Welcome and Introductions
  • Team Activities
  • Guest Speaker: Values
  • Session 1: Values Small Group Activity
  • Guest Speaker: Vision
  • Session 2: Vision Small Group Activity
  • Guest Speaker: Voice
  • Session 3: Voice Small Group Activity
  • Closing Ceremony and Awards